Continuous Education Programme

MyCEPPoints is pioneering the first platform that understands and offers solutions for you to stay in compliance with OSH. We offer a wide array of courses, forums, quizzes and everything you need

What is CEP?

Our “Continuous Education Program” was specifically created to provide personnel like safety and health officers, CHRA assessors, hygiene technicians 1, 2, NRA, IAQ assessors, and major hazards competent persons with the opportunity to enhance, enrich, and update their knowledge and skills.

MYCEP Revolution

Whatever industry you work in, Safety & Health can represent a grueling challenge with complex issues that change over time in certain fields of the industry. Continuous Education therefore cannot remain static and redundant. MyCEPPoints aims to revolutionise this ever changing program with the help of subject specific experts.

Why do we need cEP?

It’s mandatory for every Competent Person to be registered with the Malaysian Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and renew their license every 3 years or face subsequent suspension. You are required to undergo CEP training and collect CEP points in order to continuously be up to date with the latest trends and developments.

For instance, a Noise Risk Assessor needs in-depth knowledge of Noise Cancellation methods, completing a 10-day course to become a Competent Person qualifies him to perform Noise Risk Assessments for several industries. This assessment needs set by DOSH and other relevant authorities are what makes CEP precisely so crucial 

Choosing a CEP course that meets your needs can be challenging but our subject matter specific courses just about offer a wide range of subjects. MyCEP is sophisticated, diverse, myriad,  inclusive, innovative, holistic, intriguing and  Comprehensively Exclusive !



MyCEPPOINTS strives to promote a safe working environment by providing knowledge and expertise from experts.


MyCEPPOINTS identifies the current issues in the industry and brainstorms it’s solutions with our field experts while encouraging you to join us and publicly express your concerns.


MyCEPPOINTS is geared towards legal compliance while constantly up to date with the latest legislation.


MyCEPPOINTS is put together by a wide range of industrial experts, educationists, and subject matter experts.



MyCEPPOINTS strives to promote a safe working environment by providing knowledge and expertise from experts.


MyCEPPOINTS identifies the current issues in the industry and brainstorms it’s solutions with our field experts while encouraging you to join us and publicly express your concerns.


MyCEPPOINTS is geared towards legal compliance while constantly up to date with the latest legislation.


MyCEPPOINTS is put together by a wide range of industrial experts, educationists, and subject matter experts.

why choose myceppoints?

Bringing Up Solutions

MyCEPPOINTS identifies the current issues in the industry and brainstorms it’s solutions with our field experts while encouraging you to join us and publicly express your concerns.




Our Experts

MyCEPPOINTS is put together by a wide range of industrial experts, educationists, and subject matter experts.

Trusted Knowledge

MyCEPPOINTS strives to promote a safe working environment by providing knowledge and expertise from experts.


Legal Compliance and Updates

MyCEPPOINTS is geared towards legal compliance while constantly up to date with the latest legislation.



Trusted Knowledge

MyCEPPOINTS is oriented towards providing knowledge and expertise for fostering a safe work environment.

Legal Compliance and Updates

MyCEPPOINTS is geared towards legal compliance and updates on new legislation.

Bringing Up Solutions

MyCEPPOINTS identifies current issues faced by the industry and brainstorms for solutions with the experts, and encourages Competent Persons to bring forth their concerns.

Our Experts

MyCEPPOINTS is designed by industrial experts, educationists, and subject matter experts in a wide range of disciplines.

Trusted Knowledge

MyCEPPOINTS is oriented towards providing knowledge and expertise for fostering a safe work environment.

Legal Compliance and Updates

MyCEPPOINTS is geared towards legal compliance and updates on new legislation.

Bringing Up Solutions

MyCEPPOINTS identifies current issues faced by the industry and brainstorms for solutions with the experts, and encourages Competent Persons to bring forth their concerns.

Our Experts

MyCEPPOINTS is designed by industrial experts, educationists, and subject matter experts in a wide range of disciplines.

You Request! We Fulfil!

our programs


Occupational Safety and Health - Round Table Talk (OSH - RTT) is a initiative meant to gather input from a wide group

OSH Training

We provide OSH related training programs with our highly skilled experts tailor made to suit the industry needs


My CEP Points provide interactive blogs to ensure that you are always up to date with our exciting activities


My CEP Points provide interesting quizzes to gain your knowledge and make you more understandable about the topics.

Learning gives creativity,
creativity leads to thinking,
thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great.
Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam
Former President of India
Education is the most powerful
weapon which you can use
to change the world.
Nelson Mandela
Former President of South Africa
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Greek Philosopher
The only true wisdom is
in knowing you know